Ever wondered how to build a chuppah? If you’ve been to a Jewish wedding then you’ve most likely seen a chuppah. These days, more and more couples are building a chuppah for their wedding. If you like the sound of a DIY chuppah project then we’ll give you some wedding chuppah ideas and instructions on how to make a chuppah for your special day…

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What is a Chuppah Wedding Canopy?

A chuppah is a canopy that covers the couple during the wedding ceremony and chuppahs can range from a simple wrap-around used as a chuppah, to a lavishly decorated chuppah of flowers and crystal beads. Building a chuppah for weddings has become popular. If you are interested in learning how to build a wedding chuppah, here is a simple guide that you can start with.

When it comes to Jewish wedding traditions; chuppahs, or wedding canopys have some rules attached to them – the Jewish wedding chuppah should not be overly elaborate or lavishly decorated. In fact, when you base it on tradition, the basic human suspended chuppahs are recommended. If you have this type of wedding chuppah, you can just have the tallis (the cloth that serves as the canopy) attached to four wooden poles then have the poles held by wedding guests above the couple’s head.

Wooden chuppah

For a sturdier chuppah you can learn how to build a wooden chuppah. It is made of wood that may look like arbors, only with tulle added at the top and some flowers may be added at the corners for accent. Some followers of strict Jewish tradition may not be agreeable to arbor-like chuppahs, thus you can opt for wooden poles (some use 2×2 wood for the frame) and add in the tallis or tulle on top. This can be sturdy enough to stand by itself and to withstand the wind, especially for outdoor weddings.

Birch Branch Chuppah

As simple as a birch branch chuppah, it’s one good thing that you can have for your wedding and it won’t cause raised eyebrows from those who want to stick to what is the right kind of chuppah according to tradition. To know how to build a wedding chuppah made of birch branch, you just have to attach the tallis, tulle or a veil to it and have your groomsmen hold each of the 4 posts.

Four Pole Chuppah covered with flowers

These days, different types of chuppahs have emerged and in fact, you can often see chuppahs that are elaborately designed. Many are opting for modern chuppahs that are adorned with flowers from the poles to the frame. In fact, some are even decorated with crystals but you don’t have to go that far. A simple four pole chuppah can be made of PVC poles. You can cover the PVC pipes with a little greenery or vines, connected with PVC connectors. You can also make use of steel poles and fasten them to the ground to make the chuppah stand firmly and steadily on its own.