Decide on a location for your rehearsal dinner. Here again it is wise to make your reservation months in advance. Remember, you will need to book a large private area, or perhaps the entirety of the facility you choose. Don’t be disappointed by unavailability.
The rehearsal dinner can be the most relaxing part of your wedding. It can give family and friends the opportunity to talk and toast the occasion in a comfortable and informal setting.
Traditionally the groom’s family shoulders the financial responsibility for the rehearsal dinner. It is usually held the night before the wedding when everyone is in town. Often it includes out-of-town guests as well as the wedding party and families. This is up to you and the financially responsible parties to decide.
This dinner is often used as an opportunity for informal toasts and the distribution of gifts. The father of the bride usually toasts his new son-in-law, and the groom toasts his bride-to-be. The bride and groom often distribute gifts to parents and attendants.